Wednesday, July 31, 2019

SHYC Photo Journal

SHYC Photo Journal
This year, the number of SHYC campers exploded! We went from approximately 15 campers to 35! Although our size more than doubled, we still had the same goal of “Being doers of the word, not just hearers only.” To accomplish this, we did four separate service projects. We went to Harrisonburg on the first full day of camp and cleaned a portion of Black’s Run stream, and assisted in painting and gardening at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Later in the week, we went to Seven Springs campsite to do some trail maintenance and the week favorite was going to Gayle’s Farm, a completely organic, donation farm that is run completely by one woman and volunteers. We learned many things this week, such as being flexible when things don’t go a certain way, and that many hands make work light. It was a fantastic week and we are very excited for SHYC to continue to grow!

Explorers's Session 1 Photo Journal

Explorers’ Camp Session I Blog

Throughout this session of Explorers’ Camp, 29 campers learned the importance of enjoying the beauty of nature around them. The explorers explored each and every day, but some of the crowd favorite events were the Miss, Mess, Messier Pageant that highlights the explorer spirit in a pageant format, and a Moana 4D experience at which the counselors sprinkled water on campers every time the ocean was on screen. The hands-down best experience for these 9-11 year olds was the (optional) camp-out at Seven Springs that every single camper opted to participate in! These campers had tons of fun both at Shrine Mont, and in the woods!

St. George's Session 2 Photo Journal

St. George’s Session II Photo Journal

We had a wonderful time with Session 2 of St. George’s this summer! We celebrated fourth of July and the Bishop’s Jubilee as well as doing some camp favorite activities such as Kangaroo Court, Rat Ball, and a scavenger hunt!

One of St. G’s evening programs was a Karaoke night. Each cabin of campers got to dress up their counselor and select the song they would sing. The leadership staff were some famous judges such as Simon Cowell.

And of course, what is a session without camping and hiking? Our St. G’s campers did the halfway point hike to North Mountain where they took some cool pictures on the rock. Thanks for a great session!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Resilience, Creativity, Fun - a post by Bishop Susan Goff

Resilience, Creativity, Fun

On Sunday it rained. Not just any ordinary rain, but a thundering downpour. Music and Drama camp was at the Happy for rehearsal and the roar of rain on the roof was so defeating that working on choreography was impossible. Besides that, the electric piano had to be unplugged to keep everyone safe. So what did the resilient, dedicated staff do?  They rehearsed harmonies a cappella.  Although singers could scarcely hear their own voices, no less each other’s, melodies and harmonies were reinforced. And when the rain slowed just a bit, I heard refrains in tune and beautifully sung.

That evening, St George’s was planning on stargazing as an evening activity, but it was still raining lightly and there were no stars to be seen. So what did the resilient staff do?  They sent campers to their cabins to built forts or other habitations in competition with each other. After nearly an hour of building, a team of four guest judges visited each cabin.  We crawled through mazes, were welcomed to funky hotels, survived fallout in a bunker, played games, danced disco and enjoyed the creative energy of every cabin team.

Resilience, creativity and fun were hallmarks of the day, as they are of every day at Shrine Mont Camps.  Shrine Mont staff members are training campers well to create something delightful in the midst of circumstances that might otherwise be disappointing.  They are showing young people how to build community in the midst of a culture that is increasingly polarized.  They are themselves growing in resilience as they play and think on their feet and do new things.  “See, I am making all things new,” our Lord proclaimed in the Book of Revelation.  That spirit of new life is evident at camp.  How can we help but rejoice in it? 

- Bishop Susan Goff

(new life sprouting from the plantings of Explorer's session 1 this past week).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Steps to a Perfect S'more

Steps to a Perfect S’more

People have been gathering around campfires for 1.6 million years. Loretta Scott Crew published the first recipe of the “some more” in a Girl Scout Magazine in 1927. Since then, they have become a campfire staple. People have debated the perfect s’more. Is it better with a Reese’s’? Maybe an Oreo? How about some Dark Chocolate? While there may be no perfect way to make a s’more, the counselors of Shrine Mont Camps have invented a near perfect way to get it right every time.

  1. Gather everyone in a circle. After all, a circle is one of the few configurations where you can see everyone’s face.
  2. Pull out the guitars and sing a few songs as you wait for the fire to light up the night sky. At Shrine Mont Camps, we sing our favorite classics from “The Back of the Book.” Every good campfire circle includes songs such as “Unconditional Love,” “Light the Fire,” and “Wind, Wind,” whose lyrics remind us of the special community bonded together in the circle.
  3. As the songs continue, a counselor or two sets up a s’more station. This may be the most important step! Lay out graham crackers and chocolate. Make sure they are all ready to have the marshmallow carefully scraped on top. This ensures the chocolate will melt from a marshmallow taken directly off the fire.
  4. Now that the community is formed and the s’more station is set up, it is time to send the campers away. Into the woods to find the perfect stick. The perfect stick may be borrowed from a dead tree or fallen to the ground after a large storm. It may be an arm’s length or double—for extra protection from the burning fire. Either way, the stick is beautiful and important all on its own.  After all, without the place and a deep appreciation for the nature that comes before us, we would not be able to make this perfect s’more.
  5. The fun begins. Each camper lines up to get their marshmallow. The excited chatter from the end of the line carries to the front as campers anxiously await their time by the fire. As they get their marshmallow, they poke it with their stick, praying it won’t fall off in the fire.
  6. Around the fire, campers point their marshmallow-covered sticks into the fire. Now the conversation shifts to the task on hand. “How do you like your marshmallow?” “Slightly burnt.” “Oh, you need to put it in the flame!” “Golden brown.” “Set it right above the burning coals, but not too close!” As campers advise each other, they laugh together as one marshmallow catches flame. They groan as they wait, ever-so patiently, for the perfect roast to complete. If you’re really lucky, you might hear one camper exclaim, “I’ve never done this before!”
  7. I was wrong before—we are now at the most important step! As soon as a camper decides they have the perfect marshmallow, they arrive at the s’more station. Place the hot marshmallow on top of the chocolate covered graham cracker. Use the other half to gently hold the marshmallow in place while you carefully pull the stick out.
  8. A few moments of silence may fill the circle as campers sit around to eat their s’more. Some giggles may sound as the ooey-gooey marshmallow clings to their faces and hair.
  9. Once the campers have eaten the s’mores, the instruments come out again. This time playing a mix of camp classics with some other favorites such as “Country Roads” or “You’ve Got a Friend.” Now your circle comes into its own as campers sing, talk, and tell stories. Ghost stories, funny stories, any story is listened to intently and applauded loudly in this circle of friends.
  10. Look around, your perfect s’more created a community that was waiting to have a place to be its own. Most Shrine Mont Campfires end in this circle with campers singing the “Good Night Song” to mark their time as complete. They close out in prayer which reminds them that God’s been there all along, lifting them up, and watching as this camp community forms together.

    No matter your answer to “What’s the best way to roast a marshmallow?” or “What’s the best chocolate for a s’more?” The magic to a perfect s’more doesn’t come from the graham cracker, the chocolate, or even the marshmallow. The magic to a perfect s’more comes from the circle that surrounds the campfire. The circle of love, support, and trust that each member gives and takes. The magic comes with Shrine Mont Camps.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Explorers the Great Session 2 Photo Journal

Explorers’ the Great Session 2 Photo Journal
For the first time ever, Explorers’ the Great had a session 2 and it went marvelously! They had many adventures, but some highlights included caving and canoeing.

Out on the trails, Explorers’ kept their mission alive by worshiping in nature and appreciating the beauty of the Earth around them.

But Explorers’ didn’t spend all their time exploring in the woods. They also tested their limits through challenge courses. Campers helped each other overcome obstacles while forming strong friendships.

One thing is for certain, these Explorers’ campers did not let the rain stop them from having the time of their lives. See you next year Explorers’ the Great!

St. Sebastian's/SPORTS Session 2 Photo Journal

Sports Camp Session 2 Photo Journal
Sports camp 2 really upped the bar on athleticism this year! With sports blocks like Hunger Games, tennis, and football, the campers were quite sweaty!

Campers spent time reflecting in chaplain’s time thinking about the camp body. They participated in activities that encouraged reflection around teamwork and talking through different ways to let God in. All the while, Chaplain Caleb incorporated different activities for campers to practice lifting each other up spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Evening programs were a hit! From dancing the night away to Kangaroo Court, campers had a ball! These counselors will surely miss the Sports Campers and are already buzzing about next summer!