Wednesday, July 31, 2019

SHYC Photo Journal

SHYC Photo Journal
This year, the number of SHYC campers exploded! We went from approximately 15 campers to 35! Although our size more than doubled, we still had the same goal of “Being doers of the word, not just hearers only.” To accomplish this, we did four separate service projects. We went to Harrisonburg on the first full day of camp and cleaned a portion of Black’s Run stream, and assisted in painting and gardening at Emmanuel Episcopal Church. Later in the week, we went to Seven Springs campsite to do some trail maintenance and the week favorite was going to Gayle’s Farm, a completely organic, donation farm that is run completely by one woman and volunteers. We learned many things this week, such as being flexible when things don’t go a certain way, and that many hands make work light. It was a fantastic week and we are very excited for SHYC to continue to grow!

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